Welcome to lecturemotely - the site for Higher Education lecturers and institutions to find and share resources and support for remote teaching, assessment and student support in response to COVID-19.
Remote solutions for lab teaching and research projects: webinar recordings, how-to guides, teaching resources and links.

Dr Nigel Francis
Swansea University
Dr David Smith
Sheffield Hallam
Prof Ian Turner
University of Derby

Dr Dave Lewis
University of Leeds
Final year honours and capstone projects:
how-to guides for staff and students
Criminal Justice System (CJS) learning resources from crime scene, to forensic laboratory, to court: webinar recordings, infographics and links.

Dr Rachel Bolton-King
Leisa Nichols-Drew
De Montfort
Prof Ian Turner
University of Derby
#DryLabsRealScience has been meeting twice a month to discuss the challenges of lab provision in the face of COVID-19. We share good practice, experiences and tips around an alternative to lab provisions and research projects. We hold fortnightly webinars; if you would like to join the mailing list and receive invites to the sessions, or if you'd like to present a talk, then please email any one of us using the grey buttons.
#DryLabsRealScience webinar recordings

Interactive websites, endless calculations
Dr Peter Klappa, University of Kent @pk_kent
Peter has provided links to his websites (above) that contain a wide range of resources, from interactive virtual experiments (Dry Labs) to unlimited calculations practice. He is generously offering to work with members of the #DryLabsRealScience community to develop additional resources that will fill gaps in current provision - do get in touch.
Interactive video resources
Dr Nigel Francis, Swansea University @Nige1980
Nigel's resources include interactive simulations and videos – including a virtual flow cytometer, immunology revision game and lab equipment and technique demonstration videos with some common error quizzes. Some resources are still in development but can be freely downloaded and embedded in your own VLEs using the SCORM packages where available. These resources have all been made freely available but please attribute the work that the creators have put in if sharing with your students.
#DryLabsRealScience resources and links
Dr Dave Lewis' resources
#RemoteForensicCSI is an open, professional network and holds monthly webinars to discuss the challenges of remote teaching across disciplines relevant to the criminal justice system (CJS) following the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics are particularly focused on crime scene investigation, forensic laboratory analysis and court. We share good practice, experiences, tips and resources to support online teaching, learning, research and training for FE and HE educators, and CJS practitioners. If you would like to join our MS Teams-based network, be added to our mailing list to receive invites to the sessions, or if you'd like to present a talk, then please email any one of us using the grey buttons. We look forward to welcoming you!